The Isle of Wight 5 in 5 challenge is an endurance event over 5 days, starting on Thursday 21st May, and finishing on the 25th May 2020.
It consists of 5 marathon events, one on each day. Days 4 and 5, also have a Half Marathon and 10k option.
Each event is treated separately, so come and join in for a single half marathon, enter a couple, or take on the challenge of all 5 marathons, the choice is yours.
These are not big city marathons. There is minimal support, and you are expected to understand the route before starting. We also ask runners to have a mobile phone, to contact the race organiser if needed.
The 5 events are:
21st May 2020 – Round the Island Part 1 – The Bargemans Rest, Newport to Ventnor (Marathon only)
22nd May 2020 – Round the Island Part 2 – Ventnor to Colwell (Marathon only)
23rd May 2020 – Round the Island Part 3 – Colwell to the Bargemans Rest, Newport (Marathon only)
24th May 2020 – The Godshill Massive Marafun – It will be hard and hilly, with a surprise at the end! (Marathon, Half and 10k)
25th May 2020 – The Isle of Wight Track Challenge – 26.2 miles (or 13.1 miles or 10k), of utterly flat running at the track, maybe an easier option for some, or a chance to set a new fastest time for others.
Routes long with GPX files will be made available soon.
Each run costs just £10. You can also pay an additional £10 (in advance) if you would like to pre-order a medal. The medal will be a bespoke medal, with badges added to it to represent your achievements over the whole event or at the individual event you take part in.
All money raised will be donated to a local charity, The IW Youth Trust*, a charity which helps young people on the Isle of Wight with their mental health and wellbeing.
* This series of events are independently run, donating funds to The IW Youth Trust, the IW Youth Trust is not involved in the organisation of the event.
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